AEL provides one of the most attractive and environmentally sound landfills in Oklahoma. AEL not only provides sound disposal options, we also take great pains to beautify our area and make our landfill into something we can all be proud of.
Our facility has a system of layers that are engineered so that the ground water does not get contaminated by the black water that drains from each layer of garbage. The bottommost layer of the landfill is a high-density polyethylene (HDPE), a type of thick plastic that covers the earth and does not let the wastewater enter the ground. Litter control is achieved through litter control fences, daily covering, proper compaction of waste as it is received and by employees hired to pick up stray litter. Signage is also posted asking patrons to cover their loads when inside the landfill.
These measures help minimize the accumulation of unsightly litter and make AEL among the most litter-free landfills in America.