We were honored recently to have ORU’s Environmental Science Lab guest tour our one of a kind waste to energy facility. Here, we have a pic of Todd Green, our VP, telling about AEL and the process in place for turning landfill methane into a viable energy resource. American Waste Control is now piping that methane into a processing and generation plant under a contract with Montauk Energy. The electricity then flows to the Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority, which supplies power to nearly 5000 homes in Pawhuska and 38 other small Oklahoma communities.
Students touring AEL also get to see AEL’s beehives at the landfill that produce two different types of honey. These beehives are there because we agreed to hand-clear the brush growth in the power line ‘zone’ going through our property so that the usual application on herbicides, which could chemically
impair the bees, wouldn’t have to be applied. An official bee caretaker takes care of the hives, and visitors are often given a taste of the “landfill honey” when they come for a tour.