Using Trash to Turn on the Lights

Waste To Energy Landfill in Oklahoma

No question Oklahoma needs energy. And, lots of it. As a company focused on Tulsa’s future, American Environmental Landfill is meeting this need by using non-recyclable waste we col­lect every day to generate power for the community. How much power? Today, we’re generating enough electricity to power over 4800 homes across Green Country! Not only […]

Our Liner Design

Our liner is a crucial element of the total landfill
 design process and ensures the absolute upmost in environmental 
protection. The purpose of any liner is to prevent 
migration of leachate from the site. Leachate is 
the result of water that has percolated through the 
waste and is a potential pollutant if it is not

A Little Landfill Buzz

AEL continues to look for ways it can improve its environment and make the community a better place to live. Our company even owns several beehives at the landfill that produce two different types of honey. An official bee caretaker takes care of the hives, and visitors are often given a taste of the “landfill […]